Pictured above is the wonderful 1922 Booklet (Gibbons SB3) which has been exploded to show the various advertisements and panes. As an intact booklet, Gibbons rates it at £850 (about $1675). Our quite-reasonable price for this example (payment terms available, as usual):
The advertisements include these topics: Milk, Shipping, Automobiles, Food, Fruit, Optician, Hardware and Ice Cream.
Scott 922-27 IMPERFORATE (shown above in pairs) is fully listed in Michel. Quite a scarce item for both Turkey and Thematic Collectors!
Louis Pasteur Institute
Louis Pasteur Institute
Scouting Year with Airs
Proclamation, Normalization Scenes
Complete Set of 19 Surcharges
1000 SSP Surcharge on 3.50 SSP Dr. John Garang
Leopards with "Lutte contre la malaria" Overprint
UNICEF, Child Care Souvenir Sheet
Anti-TB Overprint with Printed Perfs (Michel BL 33)
Anti-TB Overprint (Michel BL 34)
WHO Headquarters
½d-£1 Wilberforce - Anti-Slavery
Price on Request
½d-£1 Wilberforce - Anti-Slavery
Nurse Vaccinating Children
Peace in Kosovo (DM denominations)
Peace (DM) Corner Blocks of 4
Price on Request
1938 PIERRE and MARIE CURIE (21 Stamps from 21 Countries)
1938 PIERRE and MARIE CURIE (21 Stamps from 21 Countries)
Also see CUBA B1-2 for the same Pierre and Marie Curie design.
5m,10, First Local Issue (Social Aid)
1942 PROTECTION of the INFANTS (59 Stamps from 24 Countries)
1950 TROPICAL MEDICINE (10 Stamps from 10 Countries)
Health Care and Education
Hospital MiniSheet of 4
1937-48 King George VI Definitives
1937-48 King George VI Definitives
1968 WORLD HEALTH ANNIVERSARY (8 Stamps from 7 Countries)
5F-75F Surcharges on 105F-500F
Price on Request
9f,10f,49f Roentgen, Jenner, Koch - Scientific Feats, Part 2
5F-150F Surcharges on 40F-200F
PHIBELZA DeLuxe Sheet on Thick, Ungummed Paper
PHIBELZA DeLuxe Sheet on Normal Gummed Stamp Paper
1c-$10 Local Views, Flowers, Sea Life, Turtles
1c-$10 Local Views, Flowers, Sea Life, Turtles
1c-$5 Local Views, Flowers, Sea Life, Turtles
1c-$5 Local Views, Flowers, Sea Life, Turtles