YEAR SET: 1996 M/S


50,58-63 MiniSheets (7)


Pack content

1 x SCOTT: 50 M/S

Vukovar Scene MiniSheet of 8 plus Tab

1 x SCOTT: 58 M/S

Scientist Tesla MiniSheet of 8 plus Tab

1 x SCOTT: 62 M/S

Astronomer MiniSheet of 8 plus Tab

1 x SCOTT: 61 M/S

Olympic Games MiniSheet of 8 plus Tab

1 x SCOTT: 59-60 M/S

Europa MiniSheets of 8 plus Tab 

1 x SCOTT: 63 M/S

Christmas MiniSheet of 8 plus Tab

Type: NH

Country: KRAJINA Serbian Occupation of Croatia

Year: YS

Scott Catalogue: 1996 M/S