1p Swan - 3 clear margins
Six Nature, Ship Stamps overprinted "Europa 18-9-61"
The main distingishing characteristic of the First Printing is that the N of UNTEA is slightly lower or even with the U.
Birds Strip of 7
1c Bird, First Printing - Inverted Overprint
Birds Strip of 7 with BOSTON SHOW Overprint
1c-80c Eagle and Crown (with French Certificate)
1c-80c Eagle and Crown (with French Certificate)
Price on Request
These stamps are rarely offered as a Complete Set. To find them as a NEVER HINGED Complete Set is fabulous! And with a French Certificate is the icing on the cake!
5c Bird, First Printing - Inverted Overprint
½n-25n Coat of Arms, Type I
10c Bird, First Printing - Inverted Overprint
Birds Block of 4 inc Owl
½n Coat of Arms, Perf 11½x10½ (a rather scarce perf)
12c Bird, First Printing - Inverted Overprint
15c Bird, First Printing - Inverted Overprint
17c Bird, First Printing - Inverted Overprint
Dog, Bird, Agriculture Sheets
20c Bird, First Printing - Inverted Overprint
Hounds, Plants, Birds Sheets (2)
½p-12p Puffins with 1929-1939 Overprint
5000d-10,000d High Values
Price on Request
Birds, Maps Imperforate
Birds, Maps Imperforate
1c-10c,15c,20c,25c-R2 Birds, Part 1
1c-10c,15c,20c,25c-R2 Birds, Part 1
V and Plane Overprints on ½p-12p Puffins
1963 FREEDOM FROM HUNGER (37 Stamps)
IX Anniversary on Tighearna Sheet, Perf
Arab League Center
Tighearna Sheet of 4, Imperf with "IX Plane and Anniversary" Overprint
½n-25n Coat of Arms, Type II
Queen Mum Sheets
½p-12p IX Anniversary Overprints on Puffins
$1.95 Queen Mum Sheet
$2.25,$7 Queen Mum Sheets
£1,£2,£5,£10 Birds, Animal MiniSheets of 16
Price on Request
Queen Mum Imperf Sheets
$1.95 Queen Mum Imperf Sheet
½p-12p "BY AIR" Narrow Setting Overprints on Puffins
$2.25, $7 Queen Mum Imperf Sheets
½p,2p-9p "BY AIR" Narrow Setting Overprints on Puffins
Republic Anniversary
1p "BY AIR" Narrow Setting Overprint on Puffins
12p "BY AIR" Narrow Setting Overprints on Puffin
A, 5000, 10000, 50000 with 'A' Overprints
Ostrich and Weaver Bird
Price on Request
Europa-CEPT Scenes MiniSheets of 10
Birds, Juliana Profile Definitives
Birds, Juliana Profile Definitives
Birds, Juliana Profile Definitives
Please inquire about any of these overprint plate faults.
1978 ELIZABETH II CORONATION Uncut Sheets of 4 (20 Sheets)
Coronation Se-tenant Strip
Double transfer Overprint shifted right UNTE only Overprint shifted left NTEA only Overprint sloping Offset on gum Overprint faulty A missing its bar A with curved foot N broken UL N broken LR Overinking Pen correction
These items are occasionally available:
Coronation Uncut Sheet of 4
½p "BY AIR" Black Overprint Wide Setting
Bird I Souvenir Sheet of 7 plus Label
Stamps with extra perfs Plate blocks Cutout blocks Commercial covers
1p "BY AIR" Black Overprint Wide Setting
The main distingishing characteristic of the Second Printing is that the N of UNTEA is slightly higher than the U.
2p "BY AIR" Black Overprint Wide Setting
Birds II Decorative Sheets of 8
Troop Evacuation
½d-£1 Elizabeth Definitives
9p "BY AIR" Black Overprint Wide Setting
Bird II Souvenir Sheet of 7 plus Label
Complete Set of 19 Surcharges
12p "BY AIR" Black Overprint Wide Setting