Buffalos, Lions, Reservations
UPU Centenary, Mail plus Airs
UPU Centenary, Mail plus Airs
Washington and Lafayette, Bicentennial
Pelicans, Dr. Schweitzer plus Airs
55F Nobelist Lagerlof, Literature
500F Schweitzer Nobel Prize Sheet
PhilexAfrique - UPU, Basketmaker, Map Flower
PhilexAfrique - UPU, Basketmaker, Flower Pair with Tab
PhilexAfrique - UPU, Basketmaker MiniSheet of 10
5F-125F Birds inc Eagle, Ostrich
Pope's Visit, Map Imperforate
WWF DeLuxe Sheets, Imperf
WWF Descriptive DeLuxe, Perf
WWF Souvenir Sheet, Imperf
Pope's January Visit - Wholesale Lot of 10 Sets
WWF MiniSheets of 8
Price on Request
Dogs, First Stamp Exhibition Sheet
Domesticated Animals inc Birds
450F-750F Birds Sheet of 3
Butterfly Sheet with Hong Kong Overprint
Price on Request
Princess Diana MiniSheets of 6
Cats Unit with Sheets
Hippopotamus, Hummingbird Strip
PhilexAfrica, Solar, Wind, Children