3h-1k Regno d'Italia / Venezia Giulia
1c-1L Venezia Giulia on Italy
Price on Request
5h,20h Surcharges on Venezia Giulia
3h-80h Regno d'Italia Trentino
1c-1L Venezia Tridentina
Price on Request
5h-20h Surcharges
1c-1cor Surcharges on Italy 1c-1L
1c-60c Surcharges on Italy 1c-60c
2c on 2c Coat of Arms
2c on 2c Coat of Arms Pair: Left Stamp missing the "c" in "corona" while the right stamp has the correct surcharge
Price on Request
40c on 40c King Emmanuel
40c on 40c King Emmanuel Pair: the left stamp has the correct surcharge with the right stamp has the "ccrona" surcharge error.
Price on Request
25c Venezuia Guilia
Price on Request
25c, 30c Surcharges
25c on 25c Venezia Guilia
Price on Request
25c on 30c Venezia Guilia
Price on Request
5c-1L Venezia Guilia Dues
Price on Request
5c-5cor Surcharged Dues
Price on Request
5c-30c Surcharges