Oasis, Well, Caravan with Special Delivery
Oasis, Well, Caravan (4 disturbed gum)
The "FLYING WINDMILL" DIE CUT ERROR on the 2005 Windmill Booklet Stamp is shown above. Because the die cut error is difficult to see in a scan, we have shown the die cut lines in black. Not many error stamps are known from the Netherlands. This one is a particular treat as Windmills are a popular topic here and abroad. The Die Cut is so shifted that...
Map, Stream, Romanization of the Alphabet
A) A Single "Flying Windmill" Error
½d-10/ Queen Elizabeth Definitives
B) Vertical Pair of the "Flying Windmill" and No Denomination Windmill Error
Scott 922-27 IMPERFORATE (shown above in pairs) is fully listed in Michel. Quite a scarce item for both Turkey and Thematic Collectors!
C) The Complete Sheetlet of 10
1F-50F Definitive Scenes
½d-2d,6d-2sh6d Overprints Unit
1c-15c Mt. Roraima, Old Man's Falls
30c-50F Scenic Definitives
1sh3d Lake Kyle and Dam
30c-50F Scenic Definitives but missing 12F - excellent appearance but some thins
Victoria Falls Discovery
Amir Khan V Rules, Weir, Food, Bull
Water Polo MiniSheet of 8
10c Stanley Falls Greenish blue
Serbian Water Polo Victory
Water Polo Gold Medalist MiniSheet of 8
Church Definitives inc Waterfall
Royal Visit (inc Windmill, Ship, Knight)
Mustique Island Views
Decimal Overprints
½d-10/ Elizabeth, Victoria, Oasis
5F-500F Local Themes Inscribed in English
Windmill, Dutch Flag Imperforate, but thin spot
Mayombe Viaduct
Windmill - Imperforate Proof of Frame in dark brown with PSOTAGE error. Scarce!
2½d, Perf 12½x13½ (very lightly cancelled at left) (SG 157a)
10c Stanley Falls CONGO BELGE Overprint
10c Stanley Falls CONGO BELGE Overprint
10c Stanley Falls CONGO BELGE Overprint
5F-500F Local Themes Inscribed in French
25c Inkissi Falls, Type II CONGO BELGE Overprint
25c Inkissi Falls, Type II CONGO BELGE Overprint
25c Inkissi Falls, Type II CONGO BELGE Overprint
25c Inkissi Falls, Type I CONGO BELGE Overprint
25c Inkissi Falls, Type I CONGO BELGE Overprint
25c Inkissi Falls, Type I CONGO BELGE Overprint
1982 Local Scenes Reprint Inscribed "Questa"
1d Coronation, Train and Falls
Mayrequ Island Scenes
2d Coronation, Train and Falls
6d Coronation, Train and Falls
1h-5k Deboj, Sarajevo, Franz Josef, Perf 12½
1h-5k Deboj, Sarajevo, Franz Josef, Perf 12½
1c-20F Viaduct, Pasteur, Building
Price on Request
1h-5k Deboj, Sarajevo, Franz Josef, Imperf
Price on Request
1c//20F Viaduct, Pasteur, Building (without 75c)
Price on Request
1c-20F Viaduct, Pasteur, Building (the 75c is used)
Price on Request
OFFICIAL with Serif Overprints on KUT
OFFICIAL with Serif Overprints on KUT
25c Inkissi Falls Handstamp Overprint
25c Inkissi Falls Handstamp Overprint
25c Inkissi Falls Handstamp Overprint
Cross over Rama MiniSheet of 4
25c Inkissi Falls Type II Handstamp Overprint
25c Inkissi Falls Type II Handstamp Overprint
25c Inkissi Falls Type II Handstamp Overprint
Dancer, Bird, Elephant, Diamond, Leopard, Waterfall, Map Sheets
50c Rail Bridge Handstamp Overprint
50c Rail Bridge Handstamp Overprint
50c Rail Bridge Handstamp Overprint
½d-£1 Queen Elizabeth II Definitives
½d-£1 Queen Elizabeth II Definitives
Personalized Unit of 24 Different Stamps in the Four Issued Denominations
Price on Request
Complete Personalized Unit of 108 Different Stamps in the Four issued Denominations
Price on Request
Complete (65c,119c,177c,305c) Personalized Unit of 24 MiniSheets of 6
Waterfall, Protect Nature Inscription Pair
65c Only Personalized Unit of 6 MiniSheets of 6
1c-1r Animals, Plants, King - the set is VF NH except the 2c UL perf missing.
Waterfall, Protect Nature MiniSheet of 10
Queen Elizabeth II Definitives
Queen Elizabeth II Definitives
65c Tourism Waterfront MiniSheet of 6
1h-5k Views, Franz Josef, Perf 9¼
Price on Request
Tourism Waterfront 4 MiniSheets of 6
Bridges, EXPO '67 Overprint, Perf
UPU Sheet Black Print
Paintings of Bridges
5h Pass, River, Perf 9¼
10c Stanley Falls Carmine lake
Price on Request
10c Stanley Falls Carmine lake
Price on Request
Wadi Hanifa Dam, Saud Cartouche
Danube Waterways (Joint Issue with Romania)
Danube Waterways (Joint Issue with Romania) MiniSheets of 10